Well here we are kiddies, the Middle East is falling apart at the seams and much to no one’s surprise gas prices are steadily climbing. They predict $5.00 a gallon within the week. Yet there are no big stories about drilling new wells or more important building new refineries here in the United States.
We have the oil right here in our own country but we can’t drill for it and even if we did we would have to send it elsewhere to be processed because we have been overrun by the tree hugging environmentalist. They have convinced enough of our law makers that fossil fuels will kill the planet that our beloved representatives (and I use that name under protest) have banned most new drilling and all new refineries. All because a small group of so called experts have determined that gasses produced by burning gas affect the climate of the planet. They just don’t seem to be able to figure out exactly what the effect is. See back in the 70’s when they declared April 22 Earth Day the big scare was global cooling. If something wasn’t done soon the whole planet would enter a new ice age due to the carbon emissions from our exhaust pipes. There was even talk of covering the poles with coal dust to absorb heat and raise the temperature. So how did that work out?
Now today we have global warming. If things don’t change the planet will heat up, oceans will evaporate and we will all die or maybe it will just counter the new ice age and they will cancel each other out.
If you’re like me you probably wonder why they would want to stifle their country like this. I wish I knew, maybe they never passed their drivers exam. I’ve heard that New Jersey has a real tuff one. Regardless of their reasoning the rest of us need to call Washington and tell our representatives enough is enough drill here drill now and refine it ourselves. Yes gas prices will still go up because it will take a while to get everything online but eventually it will start to get better.
If something is not done our vehicles will sit motionless due to the lack of available fuel and what fuel we do get will come from places like china and Venezuela which they will get from the Gulf of Mexico. So please call your representative.
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