Monday, February 28, 2011



  OK, so if you had a chance to read my earlier thoughts on how our own selfishness has put our country on the rocks then you’ll remember me saying that we would discuss politicians at a later time.  Well kiddies it’s Later!
   So how is it our beloved public servants have done us so well?  After all in my earlier page I did say they bought our votes by doing exactly what we ask and giving us all this really cool government stuff right?  But to buy our votes takes money; no you don’t get a nice fat check in the mail that would be nice.  No instead you get all the nice Government freebies and special interest projects and those take money.
      What’s that you say?  That’s the government money and if you didn’t get it they would just wastes it on something else like English as a second language for hillbillies or surfer dudes.  Yes that might be true, the wasting it part but the government has no money with out taking it from the tax payer.  You know me and you kiddies.  
         So basically it’s your money they are paying you back, money you could spend yourself on health care, turtle crossings or teaching English to hillbillies and surfer dudes.  If we can get them to cut spending they could cut taxes to putting more money in our pockets.
         But what’s in it for them?  Why fight so hard to keep the job?  Let’s look at the benefits. A pay check that exceeds most of us that put them in that position. More then enough to live comfortable and in case cost of living goes up they can vote themselves a raise. How sweet is that?  Then there’s the health plan. Kind of like the military only with better doctors.  I am sure there’s more, money from lobbyist and the like.  After all representitve Washington from Louisiana got that money hid in the freezer from some where.
          It didn’t use to be like this.  Back in the day our elected representatives made sacrifices to go and represent us. 

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