Monday, February 28, 2011


Well here we are kiddies, the Middle East is falling apart at the seams and much to no one’s surprise gas prices are steadily climbing.  They predict $5.00 a gallon within the week. Yet there are no big stories about drilling new wells or more important building new refineries here in the United States.       
We have the oil right here in our own country but we can’t drill for it and even if we did we would have to send it elsewhere to be processed because we have been overrun by the tree hugging environmentalist.  They have convinced enough of our law makers that fossil fuels will kill the planet that our beloved representatives (and I use that name under protest) have banned most new drilling and all new refineries. All because a small group of so called experts have determined that gasses produced by burning gas affect the climate of the planet.  They just don’t seem to be able to figure out exactly what the effect is.  See back in the 70’s when they declared April 22 Earth Day the big scare was global cooling. If something wasn’t done soon the whole planet would enter a new ice age due to the carbon emissions from our exhaust pipes. There was even talk of covering the poles with coal dust to absorb heat and raise the temperature. So how did that work out?
Now today we have global warming. If things don’t change the planet will heat up, oceans will evaporate and we will all die or maybe it will just counter the new ice age and they will cancel each other out.
If you’re like me you probably wonder why they would want to stifle their country like this. I wish I knew, maybe they never passed their drivers exam. I’ve heard that New Jersey has a real tuff one. Regardless of their reasoning the rest of us need to call Washington and tell our representatives enough is enough drill here drill now and refine it ourselves. Yes gas prices will still go up because it will take a while to get everything online but eventually it will start to get better.
If something is not done our vehicles will sit motionless due to the lack of available fuel and what fuel we do get will come from places like china and Venezuela which they will get from the Gulf of Mexico. So please call your representative.

Respect for the dead

Ok kiddies time for a nonpolitical subject. Let’s call this one common decency. I don’t know when we lost common decency toward our recently deceased but it’s gotten entirely out of hand.
The most recent example I am aware of is the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards ex-wife of former senator and presidential candidate John Edwards. Her funeral was held here in Raleigh, among the many mourners was a small group from the Midwest protesting.
Really people? Apparently they disagreed with Mrs. Edwards stand on gays in the military. That’s all well and good, being an eight year veteran of the U.S. Army can’t say I disagree with their stand on that subject BUT it’s a funeral people! Holding a protest there is disrespectful to the dead, mourners, the church and decent people everywhere. A funeral is not the place for a political protest and common sense should tell you this!
As if this whole situation is not bad enough the protestors represent a church. Really people? Exactly how Christ like is that? God must be really proud of you for this. Have you got nothing better to do? The whole world must be saved and heaven bound. Oh that’s right you don’t believe all those gays trying to get in the military will go to heaven. Well I am sure they will see the error of their ways once they see the funeral protest.
This church is not the only ones protesting funerals though; we have an equally disturbed group of antiwar nuts doing the same to soldiers’ funerals. Come on people have we no more decency then this? If you don’t agree with someone’s politics discuss it when they are alive don’t show your lack of good taste by protesting a funeral.
While we are on the subject of dead people let’s discuss famous people shall we? If you have had a homosexual relation with a famous rock star or smoked dope with a T.V. preacher or anything else shocking involving a famous person how about coming out with it while they are still alive and can defend themselves huh? I mean come on people saying you had a homosexual relationship with John Lennon after his death makes you look like a lying attention seeker.
In closing just a little common sense and common decency people.

Wake county schools


All right kiddies lately we’ve heard a lot about the Wisconsin teachers and other government employees protesting and striking due to cuts that the newly elected governor has been attempting to pass.
Closer to home here in North Carolina we have the Wake county board of education who in an attempt to stop bussing children all over the county are trying to set up neighborhood schools.
The North Carolina NAACP has protested this because apparently moving a child to a school two blocks away as opposed to 20 miles away is just a return to segregation.
In both cases the two groups protesting seem to have forgotten one small thing. They are protesting against officials and programs that were voted on by the majority in their local areas. So in both cases the protestors want the larger majority to live by the rules of the smaller minority. (By the way that last statement was not at all racial. Minority doesn’t always have a racial meaning to it.)  
Well kiddies that particular way of thinking has been very popular around the world. Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam, Venezuela and the former United Soviet Socialist Republic all use this type of thinking in their governing not to mention lots of little dictatorships.
So here we have in our own country to groups of Commies trying to push their agendas on to a larger majority by protesting and complaining that the system doesn’t cater to their wants. Don’t get suckered kiddies. We have to stand up for ourselves, fight for what is right, the days of a kinder gentler America have to be a thing of the past lest we end up with Amerika instead.
By the way, just a note for the NAACP if a neighborhood school is segregated chances are so is the neighborhood and no one is telling anyone where to live.  Don’t want to hear anything about under privileged neighborhoods either, they tend to divide the tax money evenly when handing it out.

Update kiddies, today is February 22 2011. The day after the above article was written and this morning on our local news I saw that a group in Raleigh was holding a protest in support of the Wisconsin government workers. In the lead was Rev. Barbour leader of the North Carolina NAACP. Way to go comrades.



  OK, so if you had a chance to read my earlier thoughts on how our own selfishness has put our country on the rocks then you’ll remember me saying that we would discuss politicians at a later time.  Well kiddies it’s Later!
   So how is it our beloved public servants have done us so well?  After all in my earlier page I did say they bought our votes by doing exactly what we ask and giving us all this really cool government stuff right?  But to buy our votes takes money; no you don’t get a nice fat check in the mail that would be nice.  No instead you get all the nice Government freebies and special interest projects and those take money.
      What’s that you say?  That’s the government money and if you didn’t get it they would just wastes it on something else like English as a second language for hillbillies or surfer dudes.  Yes that might be true, the wasting it part but the government has no money with out taking it from the tax payer.  You know me and you kiddies.  
         So basically it’s your money they are paying you back, money you could spend yourself on health care, turtle crossings or teaching English to hillbillies and surfer dudes.  If we can get them to cut spending they could cut taxes to putting more money in our pockets.
         But what’s in it for them?  Why fight so hard to keep the job?  Let’s look at the benefits. A pay check that exceeds most of us that put them in that position. More then enough to live comfortable and in case cost of living goes up they can vote themselves a raise. How sweet is that?  Then there’s the health plan. Kind of like the military only with better doctors.  I am sure there’s more, money from lobbyist and the like.  After all representitve Washington from Louisiana got that money hid in the freezer from some where.
          It didn’t use to be like this.  Back in the day our elected representatives made sacrifices to go and represent us. 

We have lost our country

 We have successfully lost our country to group of career politicians, political parties and special interest groups. America is on a downward spiral that will end in the destruction of this country as we know it and we have no one but ourselves to blame.
     It is our own selfishness that has put these people in power and our country in this position. Don’t believe me?  Want proof?  Many consider them selves good hard core conservative Republicans but are old enough to collect Social Security wanted no part of President Bush’s Social Security reform fearing it would effect their monthly checks, despite the fact that the plan would not have effected them only stopped the government from stealing from the Social Security pot that is suppose to be put away in safe keeping for the next generation.  Of course the politicians don’t call it sealing, they prefer the term borrow, but when you “borrow” with no intent of paying back then it’s just plan theft. The pot has been being used to fund all kinds of pet projects, law makers fearing the loss of this slush fund spread fear that the reform plan would take away from the checks already going out. 
       End result lots of good decent people who otherwise would have thought things through thought only of themselves and stopped any possibility of their kids or grandkids seeing any Social Security till they are at least 95 if at all.
        Don’t get me wrong, it’s not only old republicans, its young tree huggers who push for florescent mercury filled pig tail light bulbs.  Middle age corporate types who make large contributions to political funds for legislators who pass laws and regulations in support of their industries.  Maybe pig tail bulbs.  Lets not forget the old hippies remembering the days of John and Paul singing of life in the U.S.S.R. and realizing that the hopes and dreams of the glorious workers paradise in the Eastern Bloc is forever lost hope to change our country into a socialist Eden and support which ever candidate offers the most social programs.  Don’t forget Kiddies you can’t have U.S.S.R without socialism.  It does after all stand for United Soviet Socialist Republic, see Commie does mean Socialism.
         Anyway, back to the point.  We sell our country to these career political types with campaign contributions and our votes.  Its not suppose to be that way.  They are supposed to go do what is right for our country not themselves or the people who made the biggest contribution.  So there we are.  We the people sell out our nation and its future for our own selfish wants.  Of course this leaves one to wonder why our legislators are so anxious to screw things up but that’s another story in its self.
    Our elected officials have what is undoubtly one of the sweetest jobs in the word. They have a health care benefit that exceeds our wildest dreams, nothing along the lines of what they are trying to shove down our throats with “ Obama care”, and I use the quation marks because we blame President Obama but it was actually the congress that put that bill together. Our President wanted a bill and OK’d it without reading it but it was not totally his.
  Second they get to vote on their own raises. How sweet is that? Would love to be able to vote myself a raise. Wouldn’t everyone?
   Lastly they have the ability to hand out sweet jobs to friends and associates and can dole out government funds to pet projects. That puts them in a position of influence.  Someone once said power corrupts and total power corrupts totally.