Monday, February 28, 2011

Wake county schools


All right kiddies lately we’ve heard a lot about the Wisconsin teachers and other government employees protesting and striking due to cuts that the newly elected governor has been attempting to pass.
Closer to home here in North Carolina we have the Wake county board of education who in an attempt to stop bussing children all over the county are trying to set up neighborhood schools.
The North Carolina NAACP has protested this because apparently moving a child to a school two blocks away as opposed to 20 miles away is just a return to segregation.
In both cases the two groups protesting seem to have forgotten one small thing. They are protesting against officials and programs that were voted on by the majority in their local areas. So in both cases the protestors want the larger majority to live by the rules of the smaller minority. (By the way that last statement was not at all racial. Minority doesn’t always have a racial meaning to it.)  
Well kiddies that particular way of thinking has been very popular around the world. Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam, Venezuela and the former United Soviet Socialist Republic all use this type of thinking in their governing not to mention lots of little dictatorships.
So here we have in our own country to groups of Commies trying to push their agendas on to a larger majority by protesting and complaining that the system doesn’t cater to their wants. Don’t get suckered kiddies. We have to stand up for ourselves, fight for what is right, the days of a kinder gentler America have to be a thing of the past lest we end up with Amerika instead.
By the way, just a note for the NAACP if a neighborhood school is segregated chances are so is the neighborhood and no one is telling anyone where to live.  Don’t want to hear anything about under privileged neighborhoods either, they tend to divide the tax money evenly when handing it out.

Update kiddies, today is February 22 2011. The day after the above article was written and this morning on our local news I saw that a group in Raleigh was holding a protest in support of the Wisconsin government workers. In the lead was Rev. Barbour leader of the North Carolina NAACP. Way to go comrades.

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