Monday, February 28, 2011

We have lost our country

 We have successfully lost our country to group of career politicians, political parties and special interest groups. America is on a downward spiral that will end in the destruction of this country as we know it and we have no one but ourselves to blame.
     It is our own selfishness that has put these people in power and our country in this position. Don’t believe me?  Want proof?  Many consider them selves good hard core conservative Republicans but are old enough to collect Social Security wanted no part of President Bush’s Social Security reform fearing it would effect their monthly checks, despite the fact that the plan would not have effected them only stopped the government from stealing from the Social Security pot that is suppose to be put away in safe keeping for the next generation.  Of course the politicians don’t call it sealing, they prefer the term borrow, but when you “borrow” with no intent of paying back then it’s just plan theft. The pot has been being used to fund all kinds of pet projects, law makers fearing the loss of this slush fund spread fear that the reform plan would take away from the checks already going out. 
       End result lots of good decent people who otherwise would have thought things through thought only of themselves and stopped any possibility of their kids or grandkids seeing any Social Security till they are at least 95 if at all.
        Don’t get me wrong, it’s not only old republicans, its young tree huggers who push for florescent mercury filled pig tail light bulbs.  Middle age corporate types who make large contributions to political funds for legislators who pass laws and regulations in support of their industries.  Maybe pig tail bulbs.  Lets not forget the old hippies remembering the days of John and Paul singing of life in the U.S.S.R. and realizing that the hopes and dreams of the glorious workers paradise in the Eastern Bloc is forever lost hope to change our country into a socialist Eden and support which ever candidate offers the most social programs.  Don’t forget Kiddies you can’t have U.S.S.R without socialism.  It does after all stand for United Soviet Socialist Republic, see Commie does mean Socialism.
         Anyway, back to the point.  We sell our country to these career political types with campaign contributions and our votes.  Its not suppose to be that way.  They are supposed to go do what is right for our country not themselves or the people who made the biggest contribution.  So there we are.  We the people sell out our nation and its future for our own selfish wants.  Of course this leaves one to wonder why our legislators are so anxious to screw things up but that’s another story in its self.
    Our elected officials have what is undoubtly one of the sweetest jobs in the word. They have a health care benefit that exceeds our wildest dreams, nothing along the lines of what they are trying to shove down our throats with “ Obama care”, and I use the quation marks because we blame President Obama but it was actually the congress that put that bill together. Our President wanted a bill and OK’d it without reading it but it was not totally his.
  Second they get to vote on their own raises. How sweet is that? Would love to be able to vote myself a raise. Wouldn’t everyone?
   Lastly they have the ability to hand out sweet jobs to friends and associates and can dole out government funds to pet projects. That puts them in a position of influence.  Someone once said power corrupts and total power corrupts totally.

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